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Case study

The one with
bribery and corruption risks on both sides of the ‘pond’.

Advised the EMEA in-house legal team led by their general counsel on issues of the Bribery Act 2010 and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977 with respect to the business and operations of this FTSE listed manufacturing company.

Advice was provided relating to the implications of their operations with respect to the two pieces of legislation and identified conduct which may fall foul of the Bribery Act but should not fall foul of the FCPA 1977.   Guidance was also provided on their agency agreements as to whether terms and conditions should be tightened to ensure that they would be deemed to be compliant with the legislation referred too.

The advice provided helped the client be aware of their risks to breach of legislation to ensure they kept a careful review in place of how they conducted business both domestically and internationally.

  • Case Study
  • Sector
    Manufacturing and Engineering
  • Service
    Bribery and Corruption
  • Service
    Financial Crime Compliance
  • Service
    Governance and Ethics