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Flexible working – changing the way we work

Thanks to improvements in technologies and the way we communicate, flexible working has become all the more possible and common. As a result, the nature of the way we work is changing.

Tenet has operated a flexible working model since it was founded in 2016, with all of the team having the option to choose their own hours, work from home or come into the office.

Instead of placing focus on presenteeism, focus is centred around delivering quality service to clients, giving them
specialist, legal advice and access to an out-of-hours service at no extra cost.

The benefits of flexible working

There are myriad benefits to flexible working – for both employees and employers, including:

Employee benefits:

  • Flexibility to meet family and personal needs – being able to customise working hours allows employees to meet their
    family and personal commitments, such as taking children to school, attending the gym at off-peak times or visiting the
    doctors during the day.
  • Control over time schedule and working environment – flexible working allows for more control over personal time
    schedules, as well as the ability to customise working environments to suit personal needs.
  • Reduced commute time ¬– working from home eradicates commute times for those who may live in a different city to where
    they work or a long distance from the office.
  • Reduced commuting expenses – as well as reducing the time spent commuting, working from home also removes the costs
    associated with commuting.
  • Reduced environmental impact –an individual working from home can lower their carbon footprint, as the adverse
    environmental impact associated with their commute is removed.

Employer benefits:

  • Increased employee engagement and morale – having a flexible working schedule which allows for family commitments will
    result in happier, more engaged employees. By allowing employees to work from home, employers are also displaying trust
    in their employees ability, increasing their satisfaction and making them more likely to be open and honest with their
    employers in return.
  • Reduced sickness and absence – illnesses often spread between employees, so the ability to work from home will reduce
    the risk of this happening. In addition, employees will be less likely to take entire days out of work for personal
    reasons if they are able to choose their own hours.
  • Reduced employee turnover – all too often, valuable, talented workers put their career on hold in order to raise a
    family. By offering flexible working opportunities, a business can ensure they retain talented employees. In addition,
    this can increase employee satisfaction and in turn, reduce employee turnover.
  • Enhanced business image – by allowing flexible working, a business will be conveyed as an accommodating place to work.
    In turn, this will make a business more attractive to work for from an employee’s perspective.

Flexible working ultimately increases employee satisfaction and ensures your team feels appreciated and trusted. An
increased level of employee engagement and satisfaction will contribute to an open, honest working culture.

Published on April 8, 2020